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Project brief

Circular economy in the northern Netherlands

auto_aggregated_fulltext_field … all projects Circular economy in the northern Netherlands … The Northern Netherlands region is already a pioneer in the development of a circular economy. Its goal is to become the most circular region in Europe by 2025 - …

Project brief

Indicators of equal living conditions

auto_aggregated_fulltext_field … all projects Indicators of equal living conditions … On behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection, together with Kantar Public and the Berlin Institute for Population and Development, …

Project brief

Evaluation of the Kultusministerkonferenz

auto_aggregated_fulltext_field … all projects Evaluation of the Kultusministerkonferenz … In light of the continually changing political and societal demands on education, science, and culture the Kultusministerkonferenz (KMK) – the Standing Conference of …

Project brief

Value added of German pharmaceutical exports

auto_aggregated_fulltext_field … all projects Value added of German pharmaceutical exports … The pharmaceutical industry is one of Germany’s most important export industries. In recent years, the export of pharmaceutical products has seen above-average …

Project brief

Evaluation of Thuringia’s Inclusion Act

auto_aggregated_fulltext_field … all projects Evaluation of Thuringia’s Inclusion Act … In the context of the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Disabled (UN-BRK), among other things, equality for people with disabilities is a …

Project brief

Socioeconomic scenarios for Switzerland

auto_aggregated_fulltext_field … all projects Socioeconomic scenarios for Switzerland … Decisions about the extent to which climate change will change our world need to be made today. But which assumptions about the future are they based on? Prognos, …

Project brief

Climate path implementation in Baden-Württemberg

auto_aggregated_fulltext_field … all projects Climate path implementation in Baden-Württemberg … Businesses in Baden-Württemberg have already adopted a range of climate protection measures in recent years. Nevertheless, greenhouse gas emissions remain …

Project brief

Natural gas as a bridge to climate neutrality in Germany

auto_aggregated_fulltext_field … all projects Natural gas as a bridge to climate neutrality in Germany … Gas had been given the role of bridging the transition on the way to climate neutrality. Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine and the subsequent …

Project brief

Climate-impacting transformation in the transport sector

auto_aggregated_fulltext_field … all projects Climate-impacting transformation in the transport sector … The geopolitical and economic developments of the last few years have led to changed and even more uncertain framework conditions for a …

Project brief

Reforming environmentally harmful subsidies

auto_aggregated_fulltext_field … all projects Reforming environmentally harmful subsidies … How harmful to the climate are state subsidies in the transport and industry sectors? And can reforms protect the climate by saving money and redistributing it …