

Competitiveness through careful network planning.

Renewable energies, changing load profiles – the energy transition is increasing demands on Germany’s gas and electricity networks. Careful network planning is therefore essential. This enables limiting network charges and secures Germany’s competitiveness.

Gas network: New supply options, declining natural gas demand

The gas network requires continuous adaptation to new sources and to meet new requirements. The conversion from German and Dutch production L-gas to H-gas, and the Russian supply freeze have made it necessary to bring in other suppliers such as Norway. In addition, Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) and green hydrogen offer new supply options.

At the same time, the demand for natural gas is in decline. To achieve the 2045 greenhouse gas neutrality goals, the supply networks will need to be decommissioned. Hydrogen and CO2 will equally require new infrastructure.

Electricity grid: Absorbing fluctuations in supply and demand

In 2020, for the first time, renewable energies covered around 50 percent of German electricity consumption. Volatile power generation from wind and solar energy is a major challenge for the power networks. Grid expansion must take place where the potential of renewable energy sources is at its greatest. In addition, new load profiles are forming on the demand side – from new consumers such as electric vehicles and heat pumps. In order to expand the networks in a demand-oriented and cost-efficient manner, feed-in and demand must be considered in equal measure and it must be possible to reliably predict their quantities. Different expansion scenarios can quantitatively underscore their probable development.

Networks: A selection of our services


We determine the quantitative basis of grid planning for all energy sources. For this purpose, we use our tried-and-tested, bottom-up models. The results are incorporated into our studies and expert reports.

Network modelling

We simulate electricity and gas flows in Germany and Europe using network models.

Process management in network development planning

As a project office, we manage the process management for network development planning. For transmission system operators, we look after the organisation, moderation, and documentation of the process.

Public participation and consultations

We advise our clients on stakeholder participation and acceptance communication.

Our work on this topic

Take a look at our latest projects and activities.

In dialogue – electricity grid expansion in Germany

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Prognos supports transmission and distribution system operators in the planning and construction communication of the various power line construction projects at the extra-high and high-voltage level.

Financing options for Austria’s hydrogen network

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Austria wants a hydrogen network in place by 2030. We investigated how the development of this network can be financed on behalf of the Austrian Climate Protection Ministry.

Communication support for the building of the 380 kV West Coast Line

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The extension of the energy network lays the foundation for the energy transition. Since 2019, Prognos has been supporting transmission system operator TenneT TSO GmbH with their project communication concerning the establishment of the new West Coast transmission line in Schleswig-Holstein.

Energy prices for industry, an international comparison

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Our study for the vbw compares electricity and gas prices for industry worldwide and provides a price development outlook up to the year 2030.

Electricity price forecast 2023

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In the medium and long term, average wholesale electricity prices are above the 2019/2020 level. Our updated scenarios for the vbw.

Climate policy classification for LNG

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How much LNG can it be? Prognos prepared two studies for the German government's Science Platform for Climate Protection (WPKS) to address this question.

Green electricity atlas


What do the targets of the Renewable Energy Sources Act mean for the German regions? The Prognos Energieatlas shows the availability of green electricity – in all 400 districts and independent cities.

Gas consumption in Germany’s production sectors

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One potential building block: the Federal Network Agency commissioned Prognos to conduct a study that can support the necessary assessment in the case of gas shortages.

Accelerated climate protection does pay off

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If the expansion of renewable energy and the implementation of efficiency measures are ac-celerated, electricity prices will fall more quickly, and the GDP will grow faster. These were the findings of our short study for the INSM.

Disruption to gas supply – consequences for the brick industry

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A study of the production, value-added, and price effects on and through the brick and tile industry in Germany for the Federal Association of the German Brick and Tile Industry.

Electricity price forecast

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How will the price of electricity develop over the next few years? A scenario calculation of wholesale electricity prices for the vbw.

Halt to Russian gas supply – consequences for German industry

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A new scenario commissioned by the vbw (Bavarian Industry Association) shows what German industry could face if Russia stopped supplying gas.

Climate-neutral electricity sector 2035

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This analysis for Agora Energiewende shows how the transformation of the German electricity sector can succeed by 2035.

Security of the gas supply in Germany and Europe

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Could gas supplied by Russia be replaced? An impulse paper by Agora Energiewende, Prognos and the Wuppertal Institute.

ADAC Mobility Index: Survey of Sustainable Mobility in Germany

| Project update

For the first time, we have created a scientifically based data basis for the sustainable development of mobility in Germany for the ADAC - the result is the ADAC Mobility Index.

Electricity grid expansion makes headway

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For over 15 years now Prognos has been bringing together the actors concerned by the expansion of the electricity grid and facilitating dialogue between them – from the Danish to the Swiss border.

Gas 2030 Dialogue Process – First Balance Sheet

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Gas will maintain its role in the energy system until 2050. This is one of the results of the Ministry of Economy’s dialogue process, Gas 2030. Prognos was a contributor to the input paper.

Innovation & Technology Centre for hydrogen

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The BMDV (Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport) wants to promote an innovation and technology centre for hydrogen. Prognos and their partner evaluate the concepts of four German regions and conduct feasibility studies.

Do you have questions?

Your contact at Prognos

Jens Hobohm

Partner, Director

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Axel Bohn

Vice Director, Head of Planning & Dialogue

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About us

Prognos – Providing Orientation.

Prognos is one of the oldest economic research centres in Europe. Founded at the University of Basel, Prognos experts have been conducting research for a wide range of clients from the public and private sectors since 1959 – politically independent, scientifically sound.

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