
Health, Care & Inclusion

Providing support for people

People want to live their lives in a self-determined way and participate in society on equal terms. To achieve this, some people require more support than others – sometimes temporarily, sometimes over their entire lifetime. This is particularly important when one's health or capabilities are impaired and, as a result, everyday life can no longer be managed independently. A person's individual situation should always be at the centre of care and support. To ensure the provision of appropriate care is the task of the health and care sector.

Health and long-term care in Germany

Health care in and out of hospital, prevention, rehabilitation and long-term care must meet high standards in terms of needs orientation, quality and efficiency, and undergo continuous development. Major challenges such as demographic change, the shortage of skilled workers and decreasing family support require new approaches to care and caring.

An important goal for health and long-term care in Germany is patient-centred, integrated care that is provided efficiently and with empathy. The increasing importance of digital services for the integration of services also requires innovative approaches – both for patients and providers.

Inclusion and participation

Inclusion is about everyone being accepted regardless of their gender, age, origin, religion or other personal characteristics, and enabling individuals to participate in society in an equal and self-determined way. The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the German Federal Participation Act (Bundesteilhabegesetz) have formally strengthened the participation of persons with disabilities in society. However, to achieve sustainable progress, the barriers to inclusion that prevent people from living full and inclusive lives need to be revisited and removed on a regular basis.

Reforms and laws

In Germany, social laws – on social long-term care insurance, statutory health insurance, and the right to rehabilitation and participation – are subject to continuous development. Qualitative analysis and evaluation are important tools to assess the impact of reforms prospectively or retrospectively. In doing so, the perspectives of all stakeholders must be considered.

Health, Care & Inclusion: A selection of our services

  • Health services research
  • Surveys and analyses of needs and care services
  • Cost and financial analyses (e. g. of innovative forms of care)
  • Reporting (e. g. care reporting)

Research for policy and evaluation

  • Analysis of care structures/approaches and their policy contexts (also in international comparisons)
  • Monitoring and evaluation of pilot programmes and projects
  • Evaluation of political programmes and legal reforms

Forecasting and simulation

  • Forecasting of care and personnel requirements
  • Modelling and simulation of future funding or financing options in statutory health insurance and social long-term care insurance

System design and strategy development

  • Strategic solutions and recommendations for action for care systems, including in the areas of prevention, user/patient orientation and innovation and digitalisation

Our work on this topic

Take a look at our latest projects and activities.

Municipal costs due to the Lower Saxony Disability Equal Opportunities Act reform

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The reform of the Lower Saxony Disability Equal Opportunities Act assigned municipalities with new tasks. Prognos determined the incurred costs on behalf of the state’s Social Ministry.

Evaluation of Thuringia’s Inclusion Act

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Removing barriers and preventing discrimination: Thuringia’s Equality and Inclusion Act enforces these very things. We examine how it is being implemented and its effectiveness.

Long-term care financing scenarios

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Higher numbers of care-dependent persons and increasing costs - our aging population is putting long-term care insurance to the test. A new analysis shows what the future financial require-ments will be.

Innovations in domestic care

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A skilled worker shortage and increased numbers of people requiring care: domestic care is facing major challenges. Prognos is evaluates the implementation of the Buurtzorg approach, an innovative community care model, for the Saxon State Ministry for Social Affairs and Social Cohesion.

Evaluation of the infant nutrition preventive programme

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For the Association of Private Health Insurance, Prognos supports and evaluates the develop-ment of the “Early happiness: Discovering nutrition together” programme.

Evaluation of Complementary Independent Participation Counselling (EUTB)

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Together with the infas Institute for Applied Social Science and Prof. Dr. Gudrun Wansing, Prognos evaluated the available advice for persons with disabilities and their families over a five-year period.

Evaluation of EU funding programme for the development of digital solutions for older people

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Digital solutions can make life easier for older people. The EU's Active and Assisted Living Programme (AAL2) has actively contributed to the development of novel solutions.

Benefits of Covid testing for the Swiss economy and the healthcare system

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Testing for Covid interrupted chains of infection, relieved the burden on the health system, and supported the economy. We quantified these effects for Roche Diagnostics Switzerland.

No generational conflict: Young and old are primarily looking for security.

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Study compares “boomers” and Generation Z: high need for security for young and old alike.

Community health promotion and prevention

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Prognos evaluates the GKV-Bündnis für Gesundheit funding programme for municipal structural development and target group-specific interventions.

Implementation of the UN Disability Rights Convention in Baden-Württemberg

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Is the Baden-Württemberg State Action Plan on Equality of People with Disabilities achieving its objectives? Prognos investigated this on behalf of the state government.

The impact of corona testing on the economy and health care

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Corona tests are designed to help reduce the incidence of infection. Prognos has now quantified the benefits of testing on the economy and health care.

Report: Testing Digital Health Care Services in Medical Practices

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Prognos evaluated the testing of digital health care services in everyday practice in the health care areas of diabetes mellitus and headaches/migraines.

The change of long-term care

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Prognos examined approaches to the further development of care professions and the prospects for the financing of the social long-term care insurance (SPV) up to the year 2050.

Care Perspective. Reorientation of the elderly care profession

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The annual expenditure of social long-term care insurance will continue to increase in the coming decades according to the results of a Prognos study for the Bertelsmann Foundation.

Strategies to combat the skilled-worker shortage in nursing care

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Which strategies can be used to tackle the shortage of skilled workers in nursing care for the elderly? This question is the subject of a Prognos study commissioned by the Bertelsmann Stiftung.

Do you have questions?

Your contact at Prognos

Andreas Heimer

Partner, Director

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About us

Prognos – Providing Orientation.

Prognos is one of the oldest economic research centres in Europe. Founded at the University of Basel, Prognos experts have been conducting research for a wide range of clients from the public and private sectors since 1959 – politically independent, scientifically sound.

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