
Culture & Creative Industries

Culture and the creative sector are the key to the future.

Designers, musicians, filmmakers, choreographers, publishers, game developers and other culture creators – they all represent the eleven sub-sectors that, like colourful pieces of a puzzle, make up a diverse whole known as the cultural and creative industries.

Value creation in the cultural and creative industries

Across the globe, the cultural and creative industries are regarded as an important economic sector. It is one of the strongest contributors to growth and employment in Germany, with a gross value of 103.7 billion euro, employing nearly 1.8 million people. It thus outperforms sectors such as the chemical industry or energy supply. Applying creative techniques such as design thinking and gamification, this industry stimulates innovation and knowledge-based growth in other economic sectors – the keywords being Cross Innovation and Creative Impact. The cultural and creative industries also play a pioneering role in the development of new business models.

Culture strengthens society and the economy

The cultural and creative industries are key contributors to dealing with the challenges of digitisation, urban-rural social inequality and sustainability, just to name a few. By means of creative bureaucracy, the industry encourages citizen-friendly administrative structures, promotes social participation through cultural education and inspires sustainable entrepreneurship. Promoting the cultural and creative industries thus creates not only added value within the industry, but also for society as a whole.

Cultural education building a powerful, sustainable society

Culture and creativity are not just economic factors; they also stimulate societal developments. One prerequisite for these benefits is cultural education – an education for cultural participation. It enables the active reception of art and culture, facilitates political and social participation, and promotes personal development. Promoting culture is therefore particularly important to ensure access to and participation in cultural activities for all.

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Culture & Creative Industries: A selection of our services

Cultural and creative economy reports

In our cultural and creative economy reports, we use key statistical indicators to analyse the economic importance of the cultural and creative industries, their submarkets (submarket profiles) and how they have developed in individual regions.

Market studies and future trends

We uncover market trends, developments and potentials for innovation in the cultural and creative industries. We focus on the potentials for interdisciplinary innovation and value creation links with other industries. Core elements of our analyses and assessments: current study and research results, the Prognos web crawler, panels and interviews.

Local and regional analysis and strategy development

In close collaboration with cities and regions, we develop strategies to promote the cultural and creative industries. We use an individually tailored set of methods consisting of quantitative analyses, surveys, expert interviews and workshops.

Feasibility studies and cost-effectiveness analysis

We use cost-benefit analyses to support your investment decisions. User needs, analyses of demand and target groups form the basis of utilisation plans and business models.

Evaluations of support programmes and measures

Our assessments of support programmes and evaluations of incentive measures are based on a wide range of methods: continuous program data monitoring, expert talks with stakeholders, online surveys and site-specific case studies.

Our work on this topic

Take a look at our latest projects and activities.

The economic and social situation of the creative industries

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On behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research and the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media, Prognos and partner analysed the economic and social situation of self-employed solo artists in creative professions.

Presentation of the study on the economic and social situation in the cultural and creative industries

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The results of our study on the economic and social situation of solo self-employed and hybrid workers in the cultural and creative industries (CCIs) will be presented at the event.

KreativLand Baden-Württemberg

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Creatives in the countryside? As scientific partner in the model project KreativLand Baden-Württemberg, Prognos examined the status quo, the opportunities and the challenges facing creatives living and working outside of the urban centres and regions.

German Creative Economy Summit

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Bianca Creutz will contribute her expertise on the economic potential and future prospects of the cultural and creative industries as a speaker at the German Creative Economy Summit.

Dossier: Cultural and creative industries in the metaverse

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The feature dossier addresses which opportunities and challenges the metaverse might hold for the sub-markets of the cultural and creative industries.

Evaluation of the Kultusministerkonferenz

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Prognos analysed tasks, structures and processes on behalf of the Kultusministerkonferenz – the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs (KMK). The evaluation recommended the fundamental development of the KMK.

Blockchain in the creative industry

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Technology enables new business models for creative professionals. And offers solutions for key industry challenges.

Cross-innovation success factors for the cultural and creative industries

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Interdisciplinary cooperation and innovation are characteristic of the cultural and creative industries. Prognos investigated which factors promote cross-industry cooperation.

Economic assessment of the development of Bremerhaven’s shipyard quarter

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The shipyard quarter in Bremerhaven is to be given a new lease of life. Prognos will analyse the medium- to long-term regional economic effects of the transformation of the district.

Promoting Cultural and Creative Industries in the EU

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The research paper "Promoting Cultural and Creative Industries in the EU" provides an overview of the European Union's funding instruments for cultural and creative industries (CCIs) in the new funding period 2021-2027.

German Competence Centre for Cultural & Creative Industries

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Prognos and u-institut organised and supported the Federal Government's Centre of Excellence for the Cultural and Creative Industries as project promoters. This is part of the Federal Government's Cultural and Creative Industries Initiative.


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The creative report from CREATIVE.NRW provides facts and figures about the creative industries in NRW. The data was collected and evaluated by Prognos.

Do you have questions?

Your contact at Prognos

Dr Olaf Arndt

Partner, Head of Region & Location

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Kathleen Freitag

Project Manager

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Klaudia Lehmann

Senior Project Manager

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About us

Prognos – Providing Orientation.

Prognos is one of the oldest economic research centres in Europe. Founded at the University of Basel, Prognos experts have been conducting research for a wide range of clients from the public and private sectors since 1959 – politically independent, scientifically sound.

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