
Prognos assumes responsibility – in our projects, for our employees, for the future. Sustainability is more than a topic for us, it is our point of orientation.

„A system that destroys the preconditions on which it is built is profoundly uneconomic.“
Christian Böllhoff

For more than 60 years, Prognos teams have been conducting research in numerous projects on the future of our society, politics and economy. Also as an employer and as a company, we are driven by the question of how we can live and work together in the long term - on a global, regional and personal level.

Sustainability – thought of in entrepreneurial, ecological and social terms – is therefore much more than a topic of consultancy for us. It is also the benchmark on which we base our actions. Both externally and internally. 

Sustainability at Prognos

The subject of sustainability is not only firmly anchored in the range of services we provide to our clients. We also assume responsibility within the company itself. Colleagues across locations regularly get involved with a wide range of experience and activities for an environmentally conscious everyday working life, for the future of our company, for the economy and society, for each other. For us, living sustainability means acting with foresight in all areas.

Economic initiative for sustainability

We design our processes and working environments to be resource-efficient and assume responsibility for the well-being of our employees. Last but not least, we create and maintain future-proof jobs through strategic corporate management. We also publicly acknowledge our social, ecological and economic responsibility: since 2017, Prognos has been part of the Sustainability Business Initiative of Baden-Württemberg and has thus committed to reporting on its sustainability activities. The Economic Initiative for Sustainability (Wirtschaftsinitiative Nachhaltigkeit), WIN for short, pools the experience and knowledge of companies committed to sustainability – and was co-developed by us.

Prognos WIN-Charta Sustainability Report 2021/2022 (PDF, in German)

Prognos WIN-Charta Sustainability Report 2019/2020 (PDF, in German)

Prognos WIN-Charta Sustainability Report 2018/2019 (PDF, in German)

A corporate culture of appreciation

Prognos consistently works in an interdisciplinary manner. We learn from each other, bringing together different perspectives, listening to each other and being open to different approaches and the paths and views of others. It goes without saying that we respect and value each other as people. This has been part of Prognos AG‘s genetic code since its foundation in 1959: our project teams have always brought together researchers from different disciplines and age groups.

Today, our teams work at ten locations in four countries. They are shaped by the different backgrounds, perspectives and lifestyles of the team members. We find this to be a great asset – as individuals and as a company. This is also why we are particularly committed to ensuring that the professional requirements are compatible with the private needs of our employees.

Working at Prognos

Social responsibility

For us as a company, responsibility also means demanding and promoting the social commitment of teams and individuals. And it works: every year Prognos employees at all locations get involved in good causes – with full commitment because they choose and initiate the projects themselves. Prognos supports them organisationally and financially. The range of supported organisations and initiatives is huge.

11th collection campaign for Berlin Kältehilfe

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In February, Prognos employees handed over donations to the Berlin Kältehilfe for the tenth time. And, as always, far more was collected than had been hoped.

Six teams for inclusion & diversity

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With over 2,100 working hours and 90 colleagues, we supported the Special Olympics World Games as volunteers. The world's largest inclusive sporting event took place in Berlin for the first time in June 2023.

10th collection campaign for Berlin Kältehilfe

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In February, Prognos employees handed over donations to the Berlin Kältehilfe for the tenth time. And, as always, far more was collected than had been hoped.

Munich team supports refugees starting their careers

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For the seventh time, Prognos employees at the Munich location helped refugees with job inter-view training – in 2022, twice.

Prognos fills advent with social projects

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Prognos doesn't do Christmas parties. Or if they do, they are small, because our company and employees prefer to focus on donations and charitable projects. This was once again the case in advent 2022.

Vernissage with buuz and Altbier

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In 2022, after two years of waiting as a result of the pandemic, the “Mongolia as a guest at Prognos” exhibition was held at the Düsseldorf Prognos office.

Support for the Ukrainian population

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Since the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, Prognos has been helping with donations, fundraising campaigns, giving employees time off, and much more.

Five computers for a Berlin primary school

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Prognos donated five computers to a Berlin primary school. Making sure that digitalisation and scientific-technical education are not neglected.

Two linden trees and one plane tree for Berlin

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In 2022 and 2023, Prognos AG participated in a neighbourhood initiative in the vicinity of the Berlin office, with three trees.

Prognos team once again supports refugees in starting their professional lives

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For the sixth time in a row, the Munich Prognos team conducted application training sessions with students from the SchlaU school.

Our Donation for Your Opinion on the Magazine trendletter

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Prognos expressed its gratitude for participation in a survey on the trendletter magazine by making a donation to a charitable organization.

Employees make Christmas wishes come true

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Together with the Diakonie Düsseldorf and the ARCHE in Berlin Friedrichshain, Prognos employees fulfilled Christmas wishes for the socially disadvantaged.

Twenty-four donations for St. Nicholas’ day

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Once again in 2021, Prognos donated to non-profit organisations as part of its advent campaign. The organisations were put forward by employees.

Flood aid for a children’s home in the Eifel region

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After the flood disaster in 2021, Prognos financially supported the reconstruction of a children's home in the Eifel region. Employees also gave blood donations, the proceeds of which went to the flood victims.

Get One, Give One

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Prognos participated in a vaccination campaign to help people from emerging and developing countries receive a corona vaccine.

Application training with refugees

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For the fourth time, Prognos employees conducted job application training with refugees at the Munich location.

Colorful pictures from the neighbourhood

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For Easter 2021, the Düsseldorf location organised a painting competition in the neighbouring kindergarten.

Homework replaces studies – Prognos computers make home schooling easier

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In the past three months, Prognos and its employees have collected almost 40 computers, 11 monitors, and various cables and keyboards, for donation to the “Die Arche” children’s foundation.

Twenty-four little doors – 24 Donations

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In 2020, on twenty-four advent calendar days, Prognos supported a non-profit organisation with a donation of 300 euros.

Workshop for Young Caritas Berlin

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In 2020, the corporate communications team supported Young Caritas Berlin on various issues relating to public relations.

Prognos supports school project on rap and democracy

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As part of a democracy project, Prognos supports students in evaluating a survey and preparing the results.

Collective action for the Berlin Kältehilfe

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Once again in 2019, our pre-Christmas collection campaign for the Berlin Kältehilfe, which provides emergency shelter and warm buses for the homeless, collected clothes, shoes, sleeping bags, blankets, and hygiene articles.

Day of social commitment in Munich

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The Munich-based Prognos team, once again, held an application training course for young refugees and provided tips about interviews.

Good deeds in Berlin

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The Berlin location plans various voluntary cooperation projects for the year 2020.

Prognos wins at "Düsseldorf wins"

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In 2020, colleagues from the Düsseldorf location carried out a series of voluntary actions and collaborations – they met the right partners at "Düsseldorf wins".

German scholarship for Saxophonists

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We are very pleased to continue our commitment to supporting talented students in the academic year 2019/2020, and specifically, with a German scholarship for saxophonist Mattia Maccarelli.

Düsseldorf team helps in a day care for people with dementia

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In September 2019, five colleagues spent a day at the Pauline Heye day Care in Düsseldorf.

Collection campaign for a Berlin primary school

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The Berlin location of Prognos AG donated eight working PCs to the Allegro Primary School in Berlin Mitte.

Tagwerk campaign in Düsseldorf

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As part of the Tagwerk campaign, a seventh-grade student actively supports everyday office life in Düsseldorf.

Second registration campaign for stem cell donations

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For World blood Cancer Day, employees of Prognos AG once again registered as donors on the German stem cell donor list.

Donate clothes to the homeless

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In 2018, the Berlin location donated clothing and sleeping bags to the Berlin Kältehilfe.

Application training for refugees

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For the second time in a row, the Munich forecast team organised application training sessions for young refugees.

German scholarship at the University of Wuppertal

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Prognos supports young scientists in Germany and adopts a German scholarship at the University of Wuppertal in the academic year 2018/2019.

SocialDay Düsseldorf

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In July 2018, Prognos took part in the SocialDay Düsseldorf and provided a student with an insight into everyday work.

Prognos promotes German debate championship

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Prognos supports the German-language debate championship at the University of Jena as a championship sponsor.

Collecting to fight the cold

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In 2017, the company also donated clothing and sleeping bags for the Berlin Kältehilfe.

Renovation at a nursing home

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In October 2017, eight colleagues from Düsseldorf helped to renovate a nursing home.

Mud run for a good cause

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Six colleagues took part in a Cologne mud run for a good cause.

Application training for refugees

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In November 2017, the Munich colleagues organised an application training session for young refugees.

German Scholarship for pianist

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Prognos sponsors pianist Lili Bogdanova by awarding a German scholarship.

For science and research

As a company, Prognos belongs to various associations and societies that are dedicated to the future and quality of research and project work. These include, for example, the German Society for Evaluation (DeGEval). Also, some of our colleagues are active in different associations. Many assume social responsibility in addition to their work – examples are activities in the university council, as a board member of a research network, in foundations or as an appointed trustee of a Fraunhofer Institute.

Several employees are also involved in alumni or other academic networks, e.g. the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes (German National Academic Foundation) or professional associations.