
Future Technologies & Digitalisation

Disruptions brought about by future technologies: opportunities and risks.

Artificial intelligence, robotics, mobile communication, Internet of Things – new technologies keep causing unprecedented disruptions. An enormous growth potential for the economy, new markets for companies and new approaches in medicine, education and other areas of society are amongst the manifold opportunities associated with the digital transformation.

However, the transformation of the economy and society can also entail considerable risks. For example, regions and entire economies can be left behind by this technological leap. It may even lead to societal disruptions.

Digital transformation – seizing opportunities with foresight

To prevent this, and to take advantage of the opportunities that the digital transformation offers to the economy and society, we need a long-term vision – and resilient data. It is only in this way that central questions such as the following can be answered and potentially far-reaching consequences influenced.

  • What other future technologies, for example, bio- or nanotechnological, can we expect?
  • How advanced is the development of these technologies?
  • How can the potential of these technologies for the economy, society and science be quantified?
  • Which business models and value-added networks are feasible and which consumers will benefit from these technologies?
  • How is the competition for innovation among national economies shaped and what are the recommendations that can be derived from it?

Future Technologies & Digitalisation: A selection of our services

Monitoring technological change

We observe economic and social changes triggered by future technologies almost in real-time based on extensive databases. This includes information on more than 300 million companies, 100 million scientific articles, over 100 million patents and other property rights, Twitter messages, web analyses, statistics, studies and many other sources. We can link these data sources by using artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Studies and evaluations

We identify the maturity of technological developments and new business models.

SWOT analyses

We assess strengths and weaknesses as well as opportunities and risks of states, federal states and companies in the competition for innovation.

Quantifying the effects

We quantify the economic and social effects of future technologies and digitisation, for example in terms of gross value added and the number of jobs.

Recommendations for action

From these findings, we derive recommendations for action and support our customers in the development and implementation of digital and technology strategies.

Our work on this topic

Take a look at our latest projects and activities.

Everything CO2unts

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The BMUV is hosting the annual conference of the Sustainable Digitalisation Community. Prognos is on site as part of the accompanying research for the GreenTech innovation competition.

Evaluation of the "Smart Cities Model Projects" funding programme

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Prognos evaluates the "Model Projects Smart Cities" (MPSC) funding programme as part of the Coordination and Transfer Office under the direction of the DLR Project Management Agency.

Industry Conference 2024

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Together with the Alliance for the Future of Industry, the BMWK is organising the Industry Conference 2024, where Michael Astor will present initial interim findings from our study on the resilience and sovereignty of German industry.

AI players in the federal state

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Which companies are already using or developing artificial intelligence? Which companies would benefit from the use of AI? Prognos created an interactive dashboard for one federal state.

Study on Poverty and income inequality in the context of the digital transformation

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The study for the European Commission examines the impact of digitalisation on the employment situation in the individual member states as well as on the EU economy as a whole.

Corporate foresight: Orientation for companies

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How will societal, political, ecological and technological factors impact corporate strategies? Prognos analysed this question in a scenario-based environmental analysis for Sparkasse Bremen.

Development of a group-wide raw materials strategy

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Our retail industry client commissioned us to develop a group-wide raw materials concept. We assisted the company from conception stage right through to the launch of the interactive web tool.

Innovation Index Germany 2023

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Once again, Prognos has compiled the Innovation Index Germany on behalf of the Vodafone Institute for Society and Communications. The index quantifies the impact the expansion of Germany’s digital infrastructure has had on its innovation strength.

Dossier: The role of clusters in regional transformation processes

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The dossier, which was created as part of the NRW.innovativ competence centre, highlights the role that cluster organisations play in the digital and green transformation in NRW.

Green Tech: Digital technologies and sustainability

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The Federal Ministry of Economics promotes digital technologies that drive forward the economy’s green transformation. Together with partners, we are responsible for the accompanying research.

Evaluation of Eurostars-2, the European SME support programme

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On behalf of the EU Commission, Prognos and its partners examined the Eurostars-2 SME fund-ing programme as part of the evaluation study of the European Framework Programmes Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe.

Evaluation of EU funding programme for the development of digital solutions for older people

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Digital solutions can make life easier for older people. The EU's Active and Assisted Living Programme (AAL2) has actively contributed to the development of novel solutions.

Innovation strategy for the Hamburg Metropolitan Region

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Innovation is more and more frequently emerging across regions and industries. Together with IMP³ROVE, we developed a strategy for the Hamburg Metropolitan Region (MRH) including out-standing innovation projects.

Innovation Index Germany 2022

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How does the expansion of the digital infrastructure affect regional innovation strength? The IID.2022 provides clarification.

European Cluster Conference 2022

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Dr Jan-Philipp Kramer and Lennart Galdiga inform in Prague about the competence centre "NRW.innovativ" and represent the European Cluster Collaboration Platform.

Blockchain in the creative industry

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Technology enables new business models for creative professionals. And offers solutions for key industry challenges.

The future of trust in digital worlds

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The internet is creating new forms of interaction that, in order to function, require our trust. Do we put our trust in technology or people? A BMBF Future Office study provides answers.

Findings from the cluster dialogues: The NRW cluster panorama

| Project update

The NRW Cluster Panorama defines five subject areas in which the greatest potential for the innovation ecosystem in NRW lies.

Hydrogen Innovation and Technology Centre (ITZ) is feasible

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The Hydrogen Innovation and Technology Centre (ITZ) is feasible. Four locations form a network across Germany.

Saarland StrategyPlus 2021-2023

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On behalf of the Saarland State Chancellery, we have assisted with the update of the Saarland innovation strategy and have prepared the strategy paper, “StrategyPlus 2021–2023".

Artificial intelligence potential for SMEs in Rhineland-Palatinate

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The challenges and opportunities of artificial intelligence for companies in Rhineland-Palatinate. A study commissioned by the Ministry of Agriculture.

Rhineland-Palatinate Transformation Agency

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The Transformation Agency serves as a signpost for the changing world of work. Prognos puts this into action on behalf of the Ministry for Labour, Social Affairs, Transformation and Digitisation.

The NRW.innovativ competence centre

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The industrial transformation of North Rhine-Westphalia will require innovative measures. The Ministry of Economic Affairs commissioned Prognos and partners to set up an innovation competence centre.

Digital model regions in North Rhine-Westphalia

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The state government of NRW has selected five model regions where digitalisation is to be promoted. Prognos and partners will provide scientific support for the programmes.

Electrical, electronic and mechanical engineering sectors in the EU

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On behalf of the European Commission, Prognos contributed to a study on the competitiveness of the electrical, electronic and mechanical engineering sectors in the EU.

The future of values held by people in our country

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The Future Office of the BMBF Strategic Foresight process, made up of Prognos and Z_punkt, looks into the future of values in Germany.

Work Landscape 2025

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The "Labor Landscape" study series has been providing an overview of the development of labor demand and labor supply in Germany since 2008.

Germany Report 2025|2035|2045

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Germany will become more global, more digital, greener and older in the next 30 years. This is shown by Prognos Deutschland Report from 2018/2019.

Digitization Compass 2018

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The Prognos/index Digitization Compass – the 5-Star-Rating regarding the digitization of regions in Germany.

Importance of the German Economy for Europe

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The study shows: A strong German economy creates value-added and employment in Europe.

Women & retirement provision

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A stronger employment orientation for women can help to stabilise the public pension system – while also benefitting their own financial position in old age.

Society 5.0

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Implications of digitalisation for areas of life like work, health and mobility – that is the topic of “Society 5.0,” the short study carried out by Capgemini and Prognos.

Future Family Report 2030

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This expert report looks at various scenarios. It shows that continued development of family policy has a positive impact on the economy as a whole.

Prognos Zukunftsatlas® 2013

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How are Germany's regions positioned for the future? The 2013 study in cooperation with Handelsblatt.

Energy scenarios for the Federal Government Energy Concept

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The energy concept formulates scenario-based guidelines for a clean, reliable, and affordable energy supply.

Prognos Zukunftsatlas® 2010

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How are Germany's regions positioned for the future? The 2010 study in cooperation with Handelsblatt.

Prognos Zukunftsatlas® Industries 2009

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“Prognos Zukunftsatlas® Industries 2009” focuses on the future fields that have potential for a strong increase in value creation over the next five to ten years.

Prognos Zukunftsatlas® 2007

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How are Germany's regions positioned for the future? The 2007 study in cooperation with Handelsblatt.

Prognos Zukunftsatlas® 2004

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How are Germany's regions positioned for the future? The 2004 study in cooperation with Handelsblatt.

Do you have questions?

Your contact at Prognos

Dr Georg Klose

Principal, Head of Digital Development

View profile

Holger Bornemann

Partner, Director

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Michael Astor

Partner, Director

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About us

Prognos – Providing Orientation.

Prognos is one of the oldest economic research centres in Europe. Founded at the University of Basel, Prognos experts have been conducting research for a wide range of clients from the public and private sectors since 1959 – politically independent, scientifically sound.

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