
Innovation & Digitalisation

Making smart use of the opportunities of progress.

Whether state or company: Anyone who wants to keep up with global competition needs a long-term, agile innovation strategy – and the capacity to implement it. Digital transformation and new technologies hold enormous potential. At the same time, there is a risk of being overtaken by the dynamics of other regions of the world.

It is, therefore, all the more important that policymakers already have the right priorities today. How, for example, can research and funding contribute to overcoming societal challenges – regionally and nationally? What other future technologies, for example from biotechnology or quantum technology, will create social and economic benefits and contribute to solving global issues? Where is further bureaucracy reduction in the administration required?

We analyse the trend-setting future topics and develop perspectives for research and innovation policy. This includes innovation stretegies, concepts for promoting future technologies, the green and digital transformation as well as the digital state. Apart from that, we accompany artists and the creative industries as drivers of change.

Research & Innovation

The prosperity of our society is determined by our capacity for innovation. Research and innovation policy creates the optimal framework.

Future Technologies & Digitalisation

Whether disruptive or gradual: the digital transformation of the economy and society calls for the timely identification of risks and the seizing of opportunities.

Culture & Creative Industries

Economic factor and driver of innovation - culture and creative industries create solutions to meet social and economic challenges.

Our work on this topic

Take a look at our latest projects and activities.

Clusters meet Regions: Charleroi

| Event

As part of our work for the European Cluster Collaboration Platform, Dr Jan-Philipp Kramer presents an input paper on the cluster landscape in Charleroi, Belgium.

Contribution of the EU Framework Programmes for Research and Innovation to a Resilient Europe

| Project

With the Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe programmes, the EU Commission is promoting research and innovation in Europe. Prognos evaluated parts of the funding programmes in terms of their contribution to a resilient Europe.

Contribution of the EU Framework Programmes for Research and Innovation to an innovative Europe

| Project

With the Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe programmes, the EU Commission is promoting research and innovation in Europe. Prognos evaluated parts of the funding programmes in terms of their contribution to an innovative Europe.

Evaluation of the ERDF programmes of several federal states

| Project

How effectively do the federal states utilise ERDF funding? Prognos supports various federal states with the evaluation of their ERDF programmes.

European Evaluation Biennial Conference

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Dr Jan-Philipp Kramer and Justyna Kramarczyk talk with other participants about the results of their work on EU-wide ex-post evaluations of cohesion policy support for research and development.

Presentation of the study on the economic and social situation in the cultural and creative industries

| Event

The results of our study on the economic and social situation of solo self-employed and hybrid workers in the cultural and creative industries (CCIs) will be presented at the event.

Monitoring and evaluation of the North Rhine-Westphalian innovation strategy (RIS3)

| Project

As part of ERDF funding 2021-2027, the state of North Rhine-Westphalia has developed a regional innovation strategy (RIS3). Prognos is responsible for monitoring and evaluating the strategy.

Everything CO2unts

| Event

The BMUV is hosting the annual conference of the Sustainable Digitalisation Community. Prognos is on site as part of the accompanying research for the GreenTech innovation competition.

Evaluation of the "Smart Cities Model Projects" funding programme

| Project

Prognos evaluates the "Model Projects Smart Cities" (MPSC) funding programme as part of the Coordination and Transfer Office under the direction of the DLR Project Management Agency.

Germany Potential Index: Digitalisation to counter the skilled-worker shortage

| Project

The skilled-worker shortage is only due to get worse in the future. Our Potential Index shows: Increased digitalisation can help to cushion the negative consequences of the skilled-worker shortage in Germany.

European Cluster Panorama Report 2024

| Project update

Cluster organisations have a significant positive influence on the green and digital transformation. This is a key finding of the Cluster Panorama Report 2024, which Prognos compiled for the European Commission.

Foresight on Demand: Future-oriented expertise for the EU

| Project

As part of the Foresight on Demand consultancy contract, the European Commission is provided with future-orientated knowledge. Prognos supports the expert consortium.

Guideline: Data management for successful sustainability reporting

| Project

We have produced guidelines for successful sustainability reporting in accordance with the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive for an industry association. The third guide deals with data management in accordance with the CSRD.

AI players in the federal state

| Project

Which companies are already using or developing artificial intelligence? Which companies would benefit from the use of AI? Prognos created an interactive dashboard for one federal state.

Study on Poverty and income inequality in the context of the digital transformation

| Project

The study for the European Commission examines the impact of digitalisation on the employment situation in the individual member states as well as on the EU economy as a whole.

Federal Report on Research and Innovation 2024

| Project

In the 2024 Federal Research and Innovation Report (BuFi), the Federal Government presents their current research and innovation policy goals and measures. Once again, Prognos assisted the BMBF in the preparation of the report.

Corporate foresight: Orientation for companies

| Project

How will societal, political, ecological and technological factors impact corporate strategies? Prognos analysed this question in a scenario-based environmental analysis for Sparkasse Bremen.

European cluster ecosystems united

| Project update

The European Cluster Conference is a key element of cluster collaboration. It focuses on political priorities, the exchange of best practices and practical contacts across a comprehensive EU-wide network.

Germany: Industry sectors put to the test

| Expertise

Mechanical engineering, the automotive industry, pharmaceuticals: In which sectors is Germany still a leader? On behalf of the Handelsblatt, we examined how successfully Germany is holding its own against its international competitors.

Federal Research and Innovation Report

| Project

The Federal Government regularly presents their current research and innovation policy goals and measures in the Federal Research and Innovation Report. Prognos assists the BMBF in the preparation of the report.

Clusters meet Regions: Graz

| Event

As part of our work for the European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP), Dr Jan-Philipp Kramer presents a paper on the cluster landscape in Styria, with a focus on the green and digital transformation in the region.

Development of a group-wide raw materials strategy

| Project

Our retail industry client commissioned us to develop a group-wide raw materials concept. We assisted the company from conception stage right through to the launch of the interactive web tool.

Realignment of European structural funds

| Project

Prognos and partners are developing conclusions for the further development of the European structural funds after 2027 by integrating relevant stakeholders.

Training On The Entrepreneurial Discovery Process (EDP) & Governance Of Smart Specialisation Strategies (S3)

| Event

Dr Jan-Philipp Kramer will be a speaker on the opening panel on "The role of the Entrepreneurial Discovery Process (EDP) in smart specialisation" and will give input on the positioning of the Entrepreneurial Discovery Process in politics and on EDP-related communication in two further presentations.

European Cluster Conference 2024

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The European Cluster Conference 2024 brings the key players in the European cluster economy together in one place. The Prognos team around Head of EU-Services Dr Jan-Philipp Kramer is providing input both as part of our work for the European Cluster Collaboration Platform and for the NRW.innovativ competence centre.

KreativLand Baden-Württemberg

| Project

Creatives in the countryside? As scientific partner in the model project KreativLand Baden-Württemberg, Prognos examined the status quo, the opportunities and the challenges facing creatives living and working outside of the urban centres and regions.

Clusters meet Regions: Milan

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As part of our work for the European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP), Dr Jan-Philipp Kramer presents an input paper on the cluster landscape of Lombardy, outlining important considerations for the future development of the region.

Trend Report 2024: Germany on its path to digital administration - an update

| Project

Where does Germany stand on its path to digital administration? The Trendreport 2024 gives an update and recommendations for the digitalisation of the public administration system.

Electromobility standards

| Project

The electromobility of the future will interact with other intelligent systems. But for this to be possible digital technologies will have to be standardised. The study shows in which areas standardisation is particularly relevant and how standards are established.

Innovation Index Germany 2023

| Project

Once again, Prognos has compiled the Innovation Index Germany on behalf of the Vodafone Institute for Society and Communications. The index quantifies the impact the expansion of Germany’s digital infrastructure has had on its innovation strength.

EU Clusters Talk

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Dr Jan-Philipp Kramer, Prognos Head of EU Services, on behalf of the European Cluster Collaboration Platform speaks about cluster policies in the EU at the EU Clusters Talk.

German Creative Economy Summit

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Bianca Creutz will contribute her expertise on the economic potential and future prospects of the cultural and creative industries as a speaker at the German Creative Economy Summit.

Innovations in domestic care

| Project

A skilled worker shortage and increased numbers of people requiring care: domestic care is facing major challenges. Prognos is evaluates the implementation of the Buurtzorg approach, an innovative community care model, for the Saxon State Ministry for Social Affairs and Social Cohesion.

Dossier: Cultural and creative industries in the metaverse

| Project update

The feature dossier addresses which opportunities and challenges the metaverse might hold for the sub-markets of the cultural and creative industries.

Dossier: The role of clusters in regional transformation processes

| Project update

The dossier, which was created as part of the NRW.innovativ competence centre, highlights the role that cluster organisations play in the digital and green transformation in NRW.

The potential of smart specialisation strategies

| Project

In collaboration with Prof. Dominique Foray, Prognos compiled a policy brief identifying the potential of smart specialisation strategies for driving forward structural transformation.

The economic and social situation of the creative industries

| Project

On behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research and the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media, Prognos and the German Association of Independent Performing Arts analysed the economic and social situation of self-employed solo artists in creative professions.

Evaluation of the Eurostars-2 funding programme

| Project

Eurostars supports cross-border research cooperation of SMEs in Europe. On behalf of the BMBF, Prognos analyses the effectiveness of the Eurostars-2 programme at national level.

Purpose Economy model

| Project

Could purpose become the model for business and society? We investigated this as part of our work for the Future Office and compared it with other scenarios.

Evaluation of Eurostars-2, the European SME support programme

| Project

On behalf of the EU Commission, Prognos and its partners examined the Eurostars-2 SME fund-ing programme as part of the evaluation study of the European Framework Programmes Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe.

Conference: Clusters meet Regions in Košice

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Dr Jan-Philipp Kramer presents an input paper at an EU Clusters meet Regions conference in Košice on March 29.

Webinar: Monitoring the Transition to Circular Economy

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Jannis Lambert and Tim Bichlmeier talk about monitoring concepts for the Circular Economy and present a self-assessment tool.

Follow-up study on smart specialisation strategies in the EU

| Project

We evaluated the 185 smart specialisation strategies of the EU regions together with CSIL: A quantitative study for the EU Commission.

Bureaucracy costs in a European comparison

| Project

In which country is the implementation of EU law the most streamlined? Our study compares the bureaucratic burden on companies and develops initial proposals.

Evaluation of EU funding programme for the development of digital solutions for older people

| Project

Digital solutions can make life easier for older people. The EU's Active and Assisted Living Programme (AAL2) has actively contributed to the development of novel solutions.

Innovation strategy for the Hamburg Metropolitan Region

| Project

Innovation is more and more frequently emerging across regions and industries. Together with IMP³ROVE, we developed a strategy for the Hamburg Metropolitan Region (MRH) including out-standing innovation projects.

Clusters meet regions workshop in Barcelona

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The fifth Clusters meet Regions workshop will focus on sustainable competitiveness and the role of clusters in this.

Cluster meets Regions-Workshop in Croatia

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The "Cluster meets Regions" workshop discusses digital transformation and interregional cooperation in Croatia.

Innovation Index Germany 2022

| Project

How does the expansion of the digital infrastructure affect regional innovation strength? The IID.2022 provides clarification.

International Conference: Smart Specialisation

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Dr Jan-Philipp Kramer takes part in a panel discussion on Intelligent Specialisation Strategies.

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