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Platform Projects

What you need.

You need a service provider to give ongoing strategic advice or support in operational implementation and communication. Rather than commissioning each of these services individually you would prefer to deal with a single provider – reliable and lean in bureaucracy.

What we offer.

Prognos can assume the tasks of platform and integrated projects in various political areas. In this context, we advise and support numerous clients. Our services extend from strategic advice, ad-hoc consulting, programme monitoring, and evaluation, up to network and event management, and public relations. For this purpose, the platform projects have multi-professional teams at their disposal – from data analysts to moderators, as well as technical experts.

Platform Projects: A selection of our services

Strategy consulting

We support your initiatives with strategic impulses. Making use of the breadth of our expertise as well as our databases and models.

With internal argument papers, public policy papers, and thematic dossiers, we create a basis for well-founded decisions. Using market studies and analysis of future trends we cover development, challenges, and innovation potential. Our analyses and evaluations touch on up-to-date studies and research results, as well as the results of Prognos’ intelligence tools, panels, and interviews.


We initiate platforms, create new network formats, offer thematic orientation, and bring stakeholders on board. We provide a platform for exchange between actors, integrate external expertise, and coordinate panels.

Monitoring and evaluation

We continuously monitor the development of your industry, your network, and the implementation of your funding programme. We conduct ex-ante evaluations and expectant outputs and results and review the impact of funding programmes with half-time or ex-post evaluations.

Ad-hoc consulting

We deliver the expertise you require at short notice. Our services range from ad-hoc consulting, the preparation of statistical data, and the classification of scientific research to the creation of fact sheets.

Public relations

We take care of the visibility of your programme and results. Through websites, online magazines, and social media, we make the relevant information available for your target groups and stakeholders. The collaboration between your press office and our public relations work will ensure the publication of relevant content in the appropriate media – in print and online. We create reports, oversee editorial work for your communication products, and coordinate with agencies.


Workshops, symposiums, or congresses, in person or online. We coordinate the event concept with you, and take care of the speakers and participants, ensuring that everything runs smoothly, and that the documentation is specifically tailored to your target group. Our added value for you – not only are our eyes firmly on the organisation but we also understand the content. In addition, you benefit from our experienced presenters and experts.

Our work in this field

Supporting the Baden-Württemberg sustainability strategy

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Since 2012, together with Ökomedia, Prognos has been supporting the State Government of Baden-Württemberg with the conception, implementation, and further development of their sustainability strategy .

Federal Research and Innovation Report

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The Federal Government regularly presents their current research and innovation policy goals and measures in the Federal Research and Innovation Report. Prognos assists the BMBF in the preparation of the report.

Rhineland-Palatinate Transformation Agency

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The Transformation Agency serves as a signpost for the changing world of work. Prognos puts this into action on behalf of the Ministry for Labour, Social Affairs, Transformation and Digitisation.

Rat der Arbeitswelt

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Prognos bildete gemeinsam mit dem IW Köln und dem IAQ die Geschäftsstelle des Rates der Arbeitswelt.

German Competence Centre for Cultural & Creative Industries

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Prognos and u-institut organised and supported the Federal Government's Centre of Excellence for the Cultural and Creative Industries as project promoters. This is part of the Federal Government's Cultural and Creative Industries Initiative.

Implementation of the European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP)

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The aim of the European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP) is to strengthen the European economy through cooperation. Together with our partners, we are developing the ECCP into a single point of contact for cluster organisations in Europe.

The NRW.innovativ competence centre

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The industrial transformation of North Rhine-Westphalia will require innovative measures. The Ministry of Economic Affairs commissioned Prognos and partners to set up an innovation competence centre.

Accompanying the Circular Cities and Regions Initiative

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The CCRI focuses on the implementation of a circular economy in European cities and regions. Prognos is supporting the initiative as a project partner in the associated Coordination and Support Office.

Green Economy Network.NRW

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Prognos has been involved in the Green Economy Network.NRW (KNUW) since 2017. It offers players in the environmental industry a platform for exchange and strengthens the market oppor-tunities of companies from NRW.

Future Office of the 3rd Foresight process on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research

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Prognos will provided the role of Future Office of the 3rd Foresight process on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research for the last 4 years.

Support for the Just Transition Platform

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Through the Just Transition Platform (JTP), the EU supports the member states and regions in achieving their climate targets in a fair manner. Prognos provided the JTP with in-depth analyses and knowledge management.

Business Sustainability Initiative

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Prognos supports Baden-Württemberg’s Business Sustainability Initiative. This initiative forms a central pillar of the state's sustainability strategy.

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About us

Prognos – Providing Orientation.

Prognos is one of the oldest economic research centres in Europe. Founded at the University of Basel, Prognos experts have been conducting research for a wide range of clients from the public and private sectors since 1959 – politically independent, scientifically sound.

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