Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK)
DLR-PT, Taurus ECO Consulting
Strong centralisation is not recommended: Our study, based on stakeholder surveys and interviews with experts, shows what the future distribution of European structural funds should look like. The results make it clear that the multi-level governance approach (EU, federal government, federal states) is still considered sensible.
The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK) commissioned Prognos, DLR Projektträger and Taurus Eco Consulting to support it in the future orientation of European structural funding from the perspective of the federal and state governments.
As part of the project, relevant issues relating to the future implementation, management and administration of European structural funds were analysed using a participatory approach. Based on these findings, the BMWK will develop its position for the negotiations for the 2028 to 2034 funding period.
Europe’s regions are facing significant transformation challenges. The European Union is supporting them in tackling these challenges. By providing various structural funds, it strengthens economic, social and territorial cohesion and reduces regional imbalances between the European regions. These include the European Social Fund (ESF) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
In order to shed light on key aspects of the implementation, management and governance of the structural funds, with a focus on ERDF funding, in the federal states, we surveyed the administrative authorities of the federal states as well as relevant stakeholders from science, business and civil society. The aim is to make future programmes and funding guidelines even more targeted, effective and simple.
The most important findings of our study:
Based on the expertise of science and practice, we worked together with DLR Projektträger and Taurus Eco Consulting to develop recommendations for action for future-proof governance and implementation of cohesion policy. The following methods were applied:
The results will help the BMWK to prepare a joint statement by the federal and state governments. This contains proposals for a reformed cohesion policy, which is to be presented to the European Commission at the end of the year.
To the study (PDF)
Further information (BMWK press release, german)
Results of the stakeholder consultation (BMWK press release, german)
Project team: Holger Bornemann, Dr Jan-Philipp Kramer, Ralph Rautenberg
Latest update: 09.12.2024
Dr Jan-Philipp Kramer will discuss the results of our study on the future governance of European cohesion policy with representatives from politics, science and practice. Prognos is a co-organiser.
Partner, Head of EU Services
Partner, Director
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Prognos is one of the oldest economic research centres in Europe. Founded at the University of Basel, Prognos experts have been conducting research for a wide range of clients from the public and private sectors since 1959 – politically independent, scientifically sound.