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Rail Link between Colmar und Freiburg


DREAL (Direction Régionale de l'Environnement, de l'Aménagement et du Logement) Grand Est, the State of Baden-Württemberg, the Federal Republic of Germany and the European Union



A renewed rail link between Freiburg and Colmar via Breisach could transport between 3500 and 5900 passengers per day - thus relieving road traffic by 11,000 to 16,000 vehicle kilometres per day.

This is the result of a feasibility study carried out by Prognos and Setec on behalf of DREAL (Direction Régionale de l'Environnement, de l'Aménagement et du Logement) Grand Est, the State of Baden-Württemberg, the Federal Republic of Germany and the European Union as part of the Interreg programme.

Since 5 February 1945, the bridge over the Rhine between Breisach (Germany) and Neuf-Brisach (France) has been destroyed, creating a continuous rail link between Freiburg and Colmar.
In order to obtain a sound basis for the reactivation of the rail link, Prognos and Setec were commissioned to carry out a multimodal mobility study in connection with the creation of a rail link between Colmar and Freiburg.

The aim of the study is to assess the interest in such a link, to examine different scenarios for its implementation, to examine its feasibility and potential and to lay the foundations for possible future study phases.

To the study (PDF, website of the Ministry of Transport Baden-Württemberg, in German)

To the press release of the Ministry of Transport Baden-Württemberg (in German)

To press release Grand Est (in French)

To the study (website Grand Est, in French)


Hans-Paul Kienzler, Alexander Labinsky, Samuel Straßburg, Taoufik Touhtouh (Prognos) Jérôme Ferry, Robin Leclerc, Julie Lelandais (Setec)

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