Topic Economy & Labour Macroeconomics Work & Skilled Labour Cohesion Policy (De-)Globalisation Green Economy & Circular Economy Society & State Family Affairs, Children & Youth Health, Care & Inclusion Education Social Protection Organisational Consulting for the Public Sector Climate & Energy Energy System Power & Renewables Heat & Energy Efficiency Fuels & Carbon Management Climate Impact & Climate Adaptation Regions & Infrastructures Location & Real Estate Development Smart City & Smart Region Networks Recycling Economy & Resources Mobility & Transport Innovation & Digitalisation Research & Innovation Future Technologies & Digitalisation Cultur & Creative Industries EU Project Corporate Project Kategorie Project update Insight into everyday work Expertise Company news New project Project conclusion Year 2002 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 ongoing Tuesday, 2024-07-30 | Project conclusion How can Thuringia become climate-neutral? Electrification, decentralised local supply, more cycle paths: Thuringia can achieve its climate goals. Our study for the Ministry of Energy shows which measures still need to be considered. more Friday, 2024-07-26 | Project conclusion Regulatory check for sales products in the energy industry Prognos supported an energy supplier with integrating sustainability requirements into the sales department’s product decision process. more Tuesday, 2024-07-23 | Project conclusion Potential Index: Digitalisation to counter the skilled-worker shortage Germany’s economy faces an increasing burden due to the skilled-worker shortage. Digital technologies could partially absorb this as shown in our Potential Index for the Vodafone Institute. more Friday, 2024-07-19 | Project update European Cluster Panorama Report 2024 Cluster organisations have a significant positive influence on the green and digital transformation. This is a key finding of the Cluster Panorama Report 2024, which Prognos compiled for the European Commission. Mehr Thursday, 2024-07-18 | Project conclusion Investment in the transformation of the energy system In the next 10-15 years, the highest level of investment will be required in the buildings and energy sectors. These are the results of our study for the BMWK. more Tuesday, 2024-07-16 | New project Foresight on Demand: Future orientation for the EU As part of the Foresight on Demand consultancy contract, future-oriented knowledge is made available to the European Commission on demand. Prognos supports the consortium. more Tuesday, 2024-07-16 | Insight into everyday work Showing initiative pays off - for both sides Was bringt es, sich initiativ zu bewerben oder sich im Karriere-Netzwerk von Prognos anzumelden? Dazu haben wir drei Interviews mit Hannah Staab, Dr. Jan Trenczek und Juliane Hasseberg geführt. Ihre Initiative hat sich bereits nach kürzester Zeit ausgezahlt. Mehr Tuesday, 2024-07-16 | Project conclusion When energy refurbishment is cost effective In owner-occupied single-family homes refurbishment measures on the building's shell pay for themselves within a few years. Our study for the WWF shows where policy can still make a difference. more Monday, 2024-07-8 | New project Strengthening Europe’s innovation power Prognos supports the European Commission’s DG RTD in the strategic development of EU research and innovation policy. more Wednesday, 2024-07-3 | Expertise A match plan for Europe In geo-economic competition, Europe is at risk of being left behind by the USA and China. How can the race to catch up succeed? With the right match plan. Guest article by Christian Böllhoff in SPIEGEL. Mehr Pagination First page « Erste Previous page ‹‹ Previous … Page 3 Page 4 Current page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 … Next page Next ›› Last page Letzte »
Tuesday, 2024-07-30 | Project conclusion How can Thuringia become climate-neutral? Electrification, decentralised local supply, more cycle paths: Thuringia can achieve its climate goals. Our study for the Ministry of Energy shows which measures still need to be considered. more
Friday, 2024-07-26 | Project conclusion Regulatory check for sales products in the energy industry Prognos supported an energy supplier with integrating sustainability requirements into the sales department’s product decision process. more
Tuesday, 2024-07-23 | Project conclusion Potential Index: Digitalisation to counter the skilled-worker shortage Germany’s economy faces an increasing burden due to the skilled-worker shortage. Digital technologies could partially absorb this as shown in our Potential Index for the Vodafone Institute. more
Friday, 2024-07-19 | Project update European Cluster Panorama Report 2024 Cluster organisations have a significant positive influence on the green and digital transformation. This is a key finding of the Cluster Panorama Report 2024, which Prognos compiled for the European Commission. Mehr
Thursday, 2024-07-18 | Project conclusion Investment in the transformation of the energy system In the next 10-15 years, the highest level of investment will be required in the buildings and energy sectors. These are the results of our study for the BMWK. more
Tuesday, 2024-07-16 | New project Foresight on Demand: Future orientation for the EU As part of the Foresight on Demand consultancy contract, future-oriented knowledge is made available to the European Commission on demand. Prognos supports the consortium. more
Tuesday, 2024-07-16 | Insight into everyday work Showing initiative pays off - for both sides Was bringt es, sich initiativ zu bewerben oder sich im Karriere-Netzwerk von Prognos anzumelden? Dazu haben wir drei Interviews mit Hannah Staab, Dr. Jan Trenczek und Juliane Hasseberg geführt. Ihre Initiative hat sich bereits nach kürzester Zeit ausgezahlt. Mehr
Tuesday, 2024-07-16 | Project conclusion When energy refurbishment is cost effective In owner-occupied single-family homes refurbishment measures on the building's shell pay for themselves within a few years. Our study for the WWF shows where policy can still make a difference. more
Monday, 2024-07-8 | New project Strengthening Europe’s innovation power Prognos supports the European Commission’s DG RTD in the strategic development of EU research and innovation policy. more
Wednesday, 2024-07-3 | Expertise A match plan for Europe In geo-economic competition, Europe is at risk of being left behind by the USA and China. How can the race to catch up succeed? With the right match plan. Guest article by Christian Böllhoff in SPIEGEL. Mehr