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Project brief

The NRW.innovativ competence centre

auto_aggregated_fulltext_field … all projects Innovation strategy North Rhine-Westphalia The NRW.innovativ competence centre … Flanked by the innovation strategy and its industrial policy model, North Rhine-Westphalia has initiated numerous measures to …

Project brief

German Competence Centre for Cultural & Creative Industries

auto_aggregated_fulltext_field … all projects Prognos is one of the promoters German Competence Centre for Cultural & Creative Industries … Since the beginning of 2020, together with the u-institut, Prognos has been a promoter of the Competence Centre. …

Project brief

Evaluation of the ERDF programmes of several federal states

auto_aggregated_fulltext_field … all projects Evaluation of the ERDF programmes of several federal states … The European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) is one of the most important funding instruments of the European Union's cohesion policy. It was …


Germany: Industry sectors put to the test

auto_aggregated_fulltext_field … all news Germany: Industry sectors put to the test Category Expertise Date 2024-05-17 Germany: Industry sectors put to the test In recent years the German economy has seen a palpable downturn. Has Germany already fallen …

Project brief

Federal Research and Innovation Report

auto_aggregated_fulltext_field … all projects Federal Research and Innovation Report … Every two years, the Federal Research and Innovation Report (BuFI) provides comprehensive information about the current goals and focus areas in federal and state …

Project brief

Support for the Just Transition Platform

auto_aggregated_fulltext_field … all projects Support for the Just Transition Platform … Climate neutrality is the long-term goal of the EU. The European Green Deal sets out the objectives: the EU aims to become the first climate-neutral continent by 2050 …


The invisible value of care work

auto_aggregated_fulltext_field … all news The invisible value of care work Category Expertise Date 2024-02-28 The invisible value of care work Women in Germany perform 72 billion hours of unpaid care work annually. That is more than all of the working …

Project brief

Gas consumption in Germany’s production sectors

auto_aggregated_fulltext_field … all projects Gas consumption in Germany’s production sectors … Should gas becomes scarce in Germany, the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) will have to decide which companies will continue to be supplied – and who may need …

Project brief

Implementation of the European Cluster Collaboration Platform

auto_aggregated_fulltext_field … all projects Implementation of the European Cluster Collaboration Platform … The European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP ), an initiative of the European Union, aims to strengthen the European economy through …