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Evaluation of the
Federal Funding for
Efficient Buildings (BEG)


Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection




iTG, ifeu, FIW München

Our mission

The building sector accounts for around 35 percent of end energy consumption and around one third of greenhouse gas emissions in Germany. This sector is therefore of central importance to the achievement of the Federal Government’s energy and climate policy objectives by 2050. In 2021, to strengthen ambitions in the building sector, the previous programmes in the areas of efficiency and renewable energies were restructured and bundled into the Federal Promotion for Efficient Buildings (BEG) programme, which has been optimised in terms of content and funding conditions.

The funding is intended to support private, commercial investors, and building owners in the renovation of existing buildings and the efficient construction of new ones. The goal is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the building sector by saving energy and to increase the share of renewable energies in the heating market.

On behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK), we are evaluating BEG funding of individual measures (BEG EM), residential buildings (BEG WG), and non-residential buildings (BEG NWG), for the funding period 2021 to 2023. Among other things, the BEG contribution to the climate and energy policy objectives (GHG emission reduction, energy saving), market acceptance of the supported measures, and macroeconomic effects are evaluated.

The formative evaluation contributes to the success assessment of the BEG by the BMWK on the basis of the Federal Budget Code:

Prognos AG, iTG, ifeu, FIW München


The key questions cover the following topics:

  • promotion activities
  • programme systematics and acceptance
  • energy & emissions
  • climate-neutral building stock
  • economic effects
  • environment and synergies

How we proceed

On the basis of the BMWK evaluation guide and DeGEval standards, indicators and methods for evaluating the funding programme are developed. The relevant data and information are then collected and analysed. The results will be evaluated and concrete conclusions and recommendations for action and proposals for further development of the programme derived.

Prognos AG, iTG, ifeu, FIW München


Methodological background of the evaluation concept

Prognos AG, iTG, ifeu, FIW München


Current survey

As part of the evaluation, a random selection of beneficiaries is invited to take part in an online survey to provide additional information about the BEG and its implementation and impact.

The invitation to participate in the survey is sent out by Prognos AG or the KfW Bankengruppe. The BMWK has requested participants complete the survey in support of the evaluation. The necessary documents (survey address, access key) will be sent by email or by post. Those who do not receive an invitation have not been selected to participate in the survey.

Further information and FAQs about the survey (in German)

Links and downloads

Methodology guide (PDF, in German)

BEG Evaluation 2022 (BMWK website, in German)

BEG Evaluation 2021 (BMWK website, in German)

Project team: Nora Langreder, Dr Stephan Heinrich, Anna-Maria Grodeke, Markus Hoch, Paurnima Kulkarni, Konstantinos Theodorou, Nils Thamling

Last update: 14.06.2023

Do you have questions?

Your contact at Prognos

Nora Langreder

Project Manager

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Dr Stephan Heinrich


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About us

Prognos – Providing Orientation.

Prognos is one of the oldest economic research centres in Europe. Founded at the University of Basel, Prognos experts have been conducting research for a wide range of clients from the public and private sectors since 1959 – politically independent, scientifically sound.

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