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Roadmap for
thermal waste
treatment in Austria


Wien Energie GmbH





The role of thermal waste treatment in the circular economy in Austria

Against the backdrop of the waste management target hierarchy, the ever-increasing demand for recycled raw materials, and climate and resource protection requirements, the recycling of waste is gaining in significance. But remaining residues and pollutants from recycling also have to be channelled out of the circuit which, in turn, requires the appropriate pollution sinks. Thermal waste treatment fulfils this function in compliance with the highest environmental standards and gaining energy in return.

In this context, Wien Energie AG addressed the question of the role that thermal waste treatment plays in the circular economy and what the changes might be in the market that the company needs to prepare for: How much of the kind of waste that should be managed via thermal waste treatment will be available, and what capacity will be required?

Prognos and the INFA conducted a study to provide a robust data basis for this very question.

Our approach

The study focuses on the market for the thermal treatment of mixed residential waste as well as non-dangerous burnable waste from industry and commerce. Our analysis paid particularly close attention to the current and foreseeable changes in waste guidelines, socio-demographical, economic framework conditions with potential effects on the revenue potential from thermally treatable waste, as well as thermal treatment capacities in Austria.

In addition, we considered development options in the context of scenarios focused on the necessity to guarantee disposal safety and the influenceability and the (regional) feasibility of such measures and development options. We also compared the volume potential with the existing and expected future capacities.

The results were visualised in report and fabric flow chart form.

Project team: Dr Bärbel Birnstengel, Dr Jochen Hoffmeister, Patrick Bechhaus, Richard Simpson, Prof Dr-Ing Klaus Gellenbeck (INFA), Manfred Santjer (INFA), Prof Martin Faulstich

Latest update: 24.8.2023

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Dr Bärbel Birnstengel


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Prognos – Providing Orientation.

Prognos is one of the oldest economic research centres in Europe. Founded at the University of Basel, Prognos experts have been conducting research for a wide range of clients from the public and private sectors since 1959 – politically independent, scientifically sound.

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