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Green Tech: Digital technologies and sustainability

auto_aggregated_fulltext_field … all projects Green Tech: Digital technologies and sustainability   … Digital technologies have the potential to make a decisive contribution to the ecological sustainability transformation and thus to the achievement of …

Project brief

Green Economy Network.NRW

auto_aggregated_fulltext_field … all projects Green Economy Network.NRW … The central goal is to strengthen the green economy in NRW by identifying and improving the use of national and international market opportunities. The KNUW creates visibility in …

Project brief

Federal Report on Research and Innovation 2024

auto_aggregated_fulltext_field … all projects Federal Report on Research and Innovation 2024 … State spending on research and innovation is at a record high. Such are the key results of this year’s Federal Research and Innovation Report (BuFI) published …

Project brief

Climate policy classification for LNG

auto_aggregated_fulltext_field … all projects Climate policy classification for LNG … The war against Ukraine embarked upon by Russia in February 2022, has given the German government cause to reassess Germany’s energy and security situation. A …

Project brief

Bureaucracy costs in a European comparison

auto_aggregated_fulltext_field … all projects Bureaucracy costs in a European comparison … What is the bureaucratic burden on SMEs imposed by EU law? This question is answered by Prognos and the Centre for European Policy (cep) for the German Foundation …

Project brief

Annual Energy Transition Monitoring

auto_aggregated_fulltext_field … all projects Annual Energy Transition Monitoring … What is the status of the German energy transition? Since 2012, Prognos has been monitoring the energy transition in Bavaria and Germany on behalf of the vbw – Bavarian …