European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency, European Commission/DG GROW
IMP³ROVE, European Clusters Alliance, InPulse Partners SRL, AgriFood Lithuania, Eurada, Intracto, LOW, VDI/VDE
In early June 2022, the European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP) published a report on the impact of supply chain disruptions in the EU. It showed how critical these disruptions are for all 14 industrial ecosystems. Following up on this, a second survey was designed to focus on solutions that can mitigate disruptions as well as approaches that can increase supply chain resilience within the EU.
Prognos designed and implemented the survey “Solutions to Supply Chain Disruptions in the EU” as part of the ECCP project. Now, the report on this survey has been published.
The data for this report stems from a survey in which a total of 336 people from the EU participated. The survey was translated into all EU languages and distributed through various channels between May and September 2022. Fifty-four percent of respondents work in small and medium-sized enterprises, 21 percent in cluster organisations, and 15 percent in large companies. People from all 14 industrial ecosystems participated in the survey. The majority of participants work in the ecosystems of mobility, transport and automotive, renewable energy and health.
Impact of supply chain disruptions:
Solutions to build resilient supply chains in the EU:
To the study (PDF,
More information on the main project
Project team: Dr Jan-Philipp Kramer; Lennart Galdiga; Maximilian Welford; Fabian Schmidt
Last updated: 28 November 2022
Partner, Head of EU Services
Project Manager
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Prognos is one of the oldest economic research centres in Europe. Founded at the University of Basel, Prognos experts have been conducting research for a wide range of clients from the public and private sectors since 1959 – politically independent, scientifically sound.