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What's new at Prognos? Here you can find the latest news about our studies, projects, topics and us as a company.

Friday, 2020-11-6 | Project

Study on smart specialisation in Germany

Prognos determined the current implementation status of the Regional Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialisation (RIS3) in Germany for the EU Commission.

Wednesday, 2020-09-16 | Project

Needs analysis of funding for Groningen

On behalf of the province of Groningen, Prognos calculates the possible allocation share of funding for the region from the Just Transition Fund. In particular, the possibilities of green hydrogen in the northern Netherlands are emphasised.

Tuesday, 2020-09-8 | Project

Business Model Germany

With quantitative analyses and market assessments, we provide companies with an orientation as to which alternative "second row" foreign markets may be attractive to them in the future.

Monday, 2020-06-15 | Company news