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Comparison of GHG
emissions from the use
of primary and recycled
raw materials for the
production of metals


Recycling company



The use of recycled raw materials brings considerable benefits in terms of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG emissions) from products. For our client, a recycling company, it is important to present these benefits to its customers in a transparent and comprehensible manner and to communicate them to the public. This is done by comparing the GHG balance when using primary raw materials and recycled raw materials.

In addition to the investigation of aluminium and copper, particular attention was paid to the GHG balance of various steel production routes. The possibility of increased scrap input in the blast furnace and converter through the use of the recycled product was analysed as an additional steel production route.

How can the advantages of recycled raw materials be demonstrated transparently?

In order to inform industry, society and politics about the specific advantages of recycled raw materials, a well-founded basis for discussion regarding the advantages of recycled raw materials was created by means of product-specific GHG balancing (cradle-to-gate) along the entire value chain. Through a transparent calculation approach and assumptions, as well as a targeted focus on the main impact channels, the GHG saving potentials were made tangible and the benefits specifically emphasised.

The analysis framework was specifically tailored to the relevant requirements. For example, the GHG balance of the value chains of the three metals for primary and recycled raw materials included a module that analysed the explicit GHG footprint for all input and output material flows used for each production step. The GHG balance sheet also contained a transport module that showed the transport emissions along the entire value chain for the respective primary or recycled raw material.

How we analysed the results

In addition to a scientifically sound final documentation, a meaningful communication concept with "ten theses" on the selected products was developed in consultation with the client as a storyline for internal and external communication. Concrete partial results of the product-specific GHG balances as well as further case studies and facts, which make possible emission savings tangible, underpin the theses. Selected points were presented to the public at the IFAT trade fair.

Last update: 24.06.2024

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Dr Jan Trenczek

Senior Project Manager, Head of Corporate Services

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Nico Dietzsch


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Prognos – Providing Orientation.

Prognos is one of the oldest economic research centres in Europe. Founded at the University of Basel, Prognos experts have been conducting research for a wide range of clients from the public and private sectors since 1959 – politically independent, scientifically sound.

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