European Commission, Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO)
t33 srl
The Public Sector Loan Facility (PSLF) is a European Union financing instrument introduced as part of the Just Transition Mechanism (JTM). The JTM is part of the European Green Deal and aims to ensure that the transition to a climate-neutral economy by 2050 is socially just and balanced.
The PSLF was specifically designed to support public investment in regions that are particularly affected by the social and economic impact of the transition. The aim is to help these regions diversify their economic base and create new jobs while reducing their dependence on fossil fuels.
Prognos and t33 srl were commissioned to conduct an interim evaluation of the PSLF.
The PSLF supports sustainable public sector investment projects in the European territories most affected by the transition to a climate-neutral economy. The financing comes from two sources:
This combination should enable projects to be realised that would not be financially viable without this support.
The PSLF is expected to unlock billions of euros of public investment in a wide range of sectors, including
The aim of this interim evaluation is to assess the current state of implementation of the PSLF, as well as its effectiveness, efficiency, coherence with other policy areas, relevance and EU added value.
These findings will be used to adjust and improve the instrument if necessary.
Together with the Italian political consultancy t33 srl, Prognos assesses the PSLF on the basis of:
The evaluation study also examines advisory services that Member States can request. These services raise awareness of the PSLF, help to develop a project pipeline and ensure that the PSLF complements other funding and financing opportunities.
Further information on the PSLF (website EU commission)
Further information on the interim evaluation (website EU commission)
Project team: Dr Jan-Philipp Kramer, Vincent Vogelsang, Markus Zock
Last update: 12.12.2024
Partner, Head of EU Services
Project Manager
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Prognos is one of the oldest economic research centres in Europe. Founded at the University of Basel, Prognos experts have been conducting research for a wide range of clients from the public and private sectors since 1959 – politically independent, scientifically sound.