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What you need.

How do trends in demography, digitalisation, the new division of labour and climate change affect our actions? What does this mean for the design of policies and the development of business models?

You would like to know what changes are relevant to you at an early stage. You are seeking to reduce uncertainties and make informed decisions. Foresight processes provide scientifically substantiated impulses for a strategic future organisation.

What we offer.

Explore opportunities, expand your field of vision – with foresight. While forecasts map development paths under clearly defined conditions, scenarios and foresight processes expand our horizons. Their essence is to think in futures and spaces of possibility. Disruptions and radical changes are part of these future worlds. At the same time, they offer the opportunity to shape development paths.

Finding answers to complex future challenges. Foresight processes use a variety of tools. Participation formats are just as much a part of this as empirical analyses, scanning trends or qualitative and quantitative future scenarios. Interaction with our clients is important to us for the development of shared images of the future and to allow us to examine their significance for your actions.

Foresight: A selection of our services

Future scenarios

We work with you to create future scenarios for strategic planning processes in politics, business, and organisations.

Analysis and impact assessment

We analyse and describe possible consequences of market developments, alternative courses of action, and political instruments.

Cross-disciplinary thinking

We approach questions about the future in a scientifically founded way, against the background of different disciplines and experiences.

Our work in this field

Foresight on Demand: Future-oriented expertise for the EU

| Project

As part of the Foresight on Demand consultancy contract, the European Commission is provided with future-orientated knowledge. Prognos supports the expert consortium.

Corporate Foresight: Orientierung für Unternehmen

| Project

Wie werden sich gesellschaftliche, politische, ökologische und technologische Faktoren auf die Unternehmensstrategie auswirken? Prognos analysierte dies in einer Szenario-basierten Umfeldanalyse für die Sparkasse Bremen.

Purpose Economy model

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Could purpose become the model for business and society? We investigated this as part of our work for the Future Office and compared it with other scenarios.

The future of trust in digital worlds

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The internet is creating new forms of interaction that, in order to function, require our trust. Do we put our trust in technology or people? A BMBF Future Office study provides answers.

Shifting the boundaries of technology and biology

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Artificial organs or humanoid robots? The BMBF Future Office investigated how the combination of biological and technological systems could develop in the future.

The future of values held by people in our country

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The Future Office of the BMBF Strategic Foresight process, made up of Prognos and Z_punkt, looks into the future of values in Germany.

Feel free to contact us.

Michael Astor

Partner, Director

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About us

Prognos – Providing Orientation.

Prognos is one of the oldest economic research centres in Europe. Founded at the University of Basel, Prognos experts have been conducting research for a wide range of clients from the public and private sectors since 1959 – politically independent, scientifically sound.

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