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FAQ Energieatlas 2023: Grüner Strom

auto_aggregated_fulltext_field … FAQ Energieatlas 2023: Grüner Strom FAQ Energieatlas 2023: Grüner Strom I Allgemeine Fragen Was ist der Energieatlas? Die erste Ausgabe des Prognos Energieatlas erscheint 2023 mit dem Schwerpunkt grüner Strom. Sie wurde …

Project brief

The potential of smart specialisation strategies

auto_aggregated_fulltext_field … all projects The potential of smart specialisation strategies … Together with Prof. Dominique Foray, professor from the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Prognos put together a policy brief on the potential of …

Project brief

Roadmap for thermal waste treatment in Austria

auto_aggregated_fulltext_field … all projects Roadmap for thermal waste treatment in Austria … The role of thermal waste treatment in the circular economy in Austria Against the backdrop of the waste management target hierarchy, the ever-increasing demand …

Project brief

New procurement markets for the Bavarian economy

auto_aggregated_fulltext_field … all projects New procurement markets for the Bavarian economy … Until a few years ago it was the efficiency of supply chains that was paramount. When it came to their procurement markets companies were primarily concerned …

Project brief

Analyses of Swiss energy use

auto_aggregated_fulltext_field … all projects Analyses of Swiss energy use … The Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) has been conducting regular analyses of the changes in energy consumption since the beginning of the 1990s. For several years now, …

Project brief

Energy prices for industry, an international comparison

auto_aggregated_fulltext_field … all projects Energy prices for industry, an international comparison … In Europe, electricity and gas continues to be more expensive than elsewhere. European industry thus currently pays more money out for energy than its …

Project brief

The economic and social situation of the creative industries

auto_aggregated_fulltext_field … all projects The economic and social situation of the creative industries … The covid pandemic has brought the sometimes difficult working conditions of the estimated 376,000 solo self-employed people in the cultural and …

Project brief

Supply chains: no climate neutrality without raw materials

auto_aggregated_fulltext_field … all projects Supply chains: no climate neutrality without raw materials … Crises such as the Covid-19 pandemic or Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine place global supply chains under threat. But if Germany is to …