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Green light for the
Innovation Agency


Innovation Agency Rhineland-Palatinate



The Rhineland-Palatinate Innovation Agency serves as a central point of contact within the Rhineland-Palatinate’s start-up and innovation ecosystem, helping to achieve the goals of the regional innovation strategy and sustainably strengthening the innovative power of the location.

In 2022, Prognos developed a concept for the founding of the Innovation Agency. Subsequently, Prognos has been supporting its entry into operative work.

The innovation agency is a joint effort

Initially, the innovation agency’s focus was on gaining visibility among the actors and clients in Rhineland-Palatinate and finding partners. For this purpose, Prognos conducted a stakeholder analysis and developed a final ideal performance profile

The Innovation Agency will cover the following areas of activity:

  • implementation of funding programmes
  • monitoring, evaluating, and communicating technological trends
  • strengthening networking between innovation actors, as well as cross-innovation
  • increasing the visibility of networks, companies, and ideas from Rhineland-Palatinate
  • supporting services in the clusters and networks environment
  • supporting innovative companies and innovation consulting providers

All services were generally met with demand among the stakeholders surveyed, but have different priorities. The greatest added value is expected to be seen in the areas of visibility creation, support through funding programmes and the increased networking of innovation players.

The Innovation Agency plays the role of mediator in the innovation ecosystem – it is here that the threads come together. For this to succeed, the Innovation Agency must have sufficient resources.

Finally, the analysis makes it clear that the partners provide a variety of impetus for cooperation – for example, through the mutual provision of specialist expertise.

Our approach

The following steps were carried out as part of the stakeholder analysis:

  • strategy canvas
  • identification of relevant partners
  • development of a questionnaire to determine specific service requirements and execution of the survey
  • development of an ideal performance profile based on the evaluation of the stakeholder survey
  • development of concrete partnership agreements and initiation of the signing of these agreements
  • co-conception of a public event

Links and downloads

Further information on the website of the Rhineland-Palatinate Innovation Agency (in German)

Project team: Holger Bornemann, Bianca Creutz, Dr Jonathan Eberle, Felix Ginzinger

Latest update: 04.1.2024

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Your contact at Prognos

Dr Jonathan Eberle

Project Manager

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Holger Bornemann

Partner, Director

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About us

Prognos – Providing Orientation.

Prognos is one of the oldest economic research centres in Europe. Founded at the University of Basel, Prognos experts have been conducting research for a wide range of clients from the public and private sectors since 1959 – politically independent, scientifically sound.

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