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Impact indicators
for a chemical company



Initial situation

An important criterion for inclusion in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index is proof of sustainable economic management. To ensure they remain in the index, our global client commissioned us to conduct an impact analysis. The economic impact of a company goes far beyond their direct business activities: in this context, sustainable management means being conscious of their complete economic significance. This includes, among other things, the wholesale interconnections of a company (indirect effects) as well as the consumption effects of employees (induced effects).

The aim and challenge of impact analysis is to make the complexity of the impact tangible and therefore understandable - this is where impact indicators come in.

Our approach

Our analyses are based on existing figures and are translated into macroeconomic indicators, in line with national accounts. Company-specific data, supplemented by additional secondary data, were put into a multi-regional input-output model. The model demonstrates the value-added links between individual countries and sectors. Based on the model, key impact indicators were determined with regional and industry-related multiplier estimates.


As a result, the client received comprehensive evaluations of the individual impacts of their business areas and the company as a whole. In addition, three overarching impact indicators were identified, which make the economic contribution of entrepreneurial activity directly tangible. They support internal and external communication and control. The indicators are incorporated into the sustainability report – not least as an important contribution to their identity within the financial industry as a sustainably operating company.

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Fabian Malik

Senior Project Manager

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About us

Prognos – Providing Orientation.

Prognos is one of the oldest economic research centres in Europe. Founded at the University of Basel, Prognos experts have been conducting research for a wide range of clients from the public and private sectors since 1959 – politically independent, scientifically sound.

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