EISMEA (European Innovation Council and SME Executive Agency)
IMP³ROVE, European Clusters Alliance (ECA), InPulse Partners SRL, AgriFood Lithuania, Eurada, Intracto, LOW, VDI/VDE
In March 2023, the Cluster Collaboration Lab (C2Lab) took place in Lund (Sweden) for the second time. This was a European Cluster Collaboration Platform project, which serves as an excellent platform to support in a myriad of ways, such as finding cooperation partners; maturing green, sustainable project concepts; and developing innovative business cases with other participants. Said event was set up as a workshop, which also serves as a co-creation space for exchange within thematic working groups of similar areas of interest in Sweden and the EU. The overarching aim of it is to strengthen the resilience of European industry for a greener future. Hereby, Prognos developed the input paper for this purpose.
The C2Lab focuses on two main areas: firstly, the creation of advanced and innovative solutions in the fields of green technology, energy efficiency, and fossil-free industry, which contribute to the energy transition. Secondly, the creation of a circular economy in which environmentally sustainable and circular business solutions are developed.
The input paper focuses mainly on current innovation funding programmes. The paper is intended to provide appropriate support and practical guidance for the development and implementation of innovative, sustainable projects.
Firstly, the economy of Sweden and the Baltic Sea region, as well as the Swedish innovation ecosystem, including its relevant cluster players and strategic innovation priorities, were examined. The aim was to gain a better understanding of the economic interrelationships at play.
It was then shown how innovative ideas can be put into practice. Several EU, intergovernmental, and national public funding programmes were outlined. This further including their specific requirements, the types of topics supported, partner search platforms, advisory services, and support instruments.
With the special cleantech division, one chapter examined numerous private sources of finance such as venture capital, corporate venture capital, business angels, banks, and impact investors.
To the study (PDF)
More about our work on this project (in German)
Project team: Dr Jan-Philipp Kramer, Dr Justyna Kramarczyk, Marie-Kristin Komendzinski, Lennart Galdiga, Fabian Schmidt, Felix Ginzinger
Last update: 12.4.2023
Partner, Head of EU Services
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With the Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe programmes, the EU Commission is promoting research and innovation in Europe. Prognos evaluated parts of the funding programmes in terms of their contribution to an innovative Europe.
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Prognos is one of the oldest economic research centres in Europe. Founded at the University of Basel, Prognos experts have been conducting research for a wide range of clients from the public and private sectors since 1959 – politically independent, scientifically sound.