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Project brief

Decarbonisation of the automotive industry

auto_aggregated_fulltext_field … all projects Decarbonisation of the automotive industry … Digitalisation, decarbonisation, electrification: The German automotive industry is facing major challenges. In order to achieve climate neutrality and to secure …

Project brief

Future-proof strategies for Europe

auto_aggregated_fulltext_field … all projects Future-proof strategies for Europe … The world (economic) order is off the rails: In addition to the digital and green transformation, global trade is increasingly dominated by deglobalisation, disrupted value …

Project brief

Economic impact analysis for selected SDGs

auto_aggregated_fulltext_field … all projects Economic impact analysis for selected SDGs … Increasing numbers of companies are asking themselves the question: What kind of contribution do we make to society? In order to set their goals and activities in a …

Project brief

KreativLand Baden-Württemberg

auto_aggregated_fulltext_field … all projects KreativLand Baden-Württemberg … We tend to think of creative professionals as working and living in urban regions and centres, but they are increasingly found in rural areas where they have become a …

Project brief

Evaluation of the Bildungsketten Initiative

auto_aggregated_fulltext_field … all projects Evaluation of the Bildungsketten Initiative … Through the Bildungsketten Initiative the Federal and State governments fund the interlocking and strategic further development of educational offers and support …

Project brief

12th Energy Transition Monitoring

auto_aggregated_fulltext_field … all projects 12th Energy Transition Monitoring … In the years 2022 and 2023, little progress was achieved in Germany in terms of the energy transition. Such are the results of the 12th Energy Transition Monitoring Report …

Project brief

Career orientation for immigrants

auto_aggregated_fulltext_field … all projects Career orientation for immigrants … The “Career orientation for immigrants” programme supports refugees and immigrants with their transition into the job market. A combination of practical phases, language …

Project brief

German energy market design

auto_aggregated_fulltext_field … all projects German energy market design … The withdrawal from nuclear energy use and the envisaged withdrawal from coal energy by the end of 2030 means that new power generation plants will have to be built in the coming …