Climate-impacting transformation in the transport sector
Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMDV)
IKEM, ifeu, DLR, Guidehouse, SSP
The geopolitical and economic developments of the last few years have led to changed and even more uncertain framework conditions for a climate-impacting transformation in the transport sector.
In terms of the drive turnaround, significant supply chains have faltered. Cost and price developments have proved to be challenging with partially unexpected impacts on production and demand. The requirements and measures for the transport transition are increasingly becoming a matter for public discussion in terms of their economic and social impact.
In the future, the transport sector will continue to be influenced by a wide variety of impact chains ranging from technological advances and changes in relative energy prices to developments in society as a whole. Strategies for the elaboration and further development of the bundles of measures that support the climate-impacting transformation of the transport sector will need to be as dynamic as they are foresighted.
Framework measures should be as barrier specific, complementary, and cost-effective as possible. When designing measures, increasing emphasis is being placed on aspects of equity to ensure access to transport and the accessibility of destinations for all members of our society (e. g., gender, families, older people) and in all areas (e. g., urban/rural, “East” and “West”) on the one hand, and a fair distribution of transformation costs among all stakeholders (e. g., companies, citizens) on the other.
As part of a three-year project, consortium leader Prognos, together with the Institute for Climate Protection, Energy and Mobility (IKEM), the German Aerospace Center, Guidehouse and the SSP of the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMDV), has assembled a team of fast-reacting experts.
As part of an iterative, learning, transparent and interactive process the team will be elaborating and evaluating measures and bundles of measures. Each of the team’s partners represents a high level of scientific excellence and long years of consulting experience. Together, with their methods, models, and networks they are able to cover the complete range of topics.
Project team: Sven Altenburg, Alex Auf der Maur
Last update: 21.11.23
For the Council of Experts on Climate Change we conducted an expert appraisal to review the Federal Environment Agency’s greenhouse gas projection data.
Principal, Head of Mobility & Transport
Senior Project Manager
On behalf of the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE), we conduct an annual analysis of the development of energy consumption in Switzerland.
On behalf of the Energy Agency for Electrical Appliances (eae), Prognos annually examines the development in the efficiency of electrical appliances and their influence on energy consumption in Switzerland.
In the period 2000-2023, final energy consumption in Switzerland increased, although the costs of energy sources have risen significantly.
In our report, we estimated the steering effect of the Fuel Emissions Trading Act for the German Environment Agency on the basis of four sensitivities.
The German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy has been funding the e-bus market ramp-up since 2018. Together with our partners, we have been investigating how effective this funding has been.
How many laborers and skilled workers will Germany need for the green transformation of its economy? We examined this question on behalf of the German Chamber of Industry and Commerce.
How can Germany as an industry location achieve net zero by 2045, whilst still maintaining its competitiveness? This study updates our 2021 calculations made on behalf of Agora Think Tanks.
Prognos and its partners support the preparation of the German government's 2025 to 2027 greenhouse gas projection reports.
With green finance, greenhouse gases in Austria can be reduced by up to four per cent by 2040 – in the bond market alone. This is the result of our study commissioned by the Ministry for Climate Action.
Prognos supports transmission and distribution system operators in the planning and construction communication of the various power line construction projects at the extra-high and high-voltage level.
Prognos is one of the oldest economic research centres in Europe. Founded at the University of Basel, Prognos experts have been conducting research for a wide range of clients from the public and private sectors since 1959 – politically independent, scientifically sound.