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The ranking for Germany's regions

Prognos Zukunftsatlas®


Cooperation with Handelsblatt

Note: The next edition of the Prognos Zukunftsatlas® will be published in summer/autumn 2025.

Zukunftsatlas 2022

Curious about how your region is currently performing? The latest edition of the Prognos Zukunftsatlas® was published by Handelsblatt at the end of September 2022.

Learn more here


What is the Prognos Zukunftsatlas®?

The Prognos Zukunftsatlas® assesses future opportunities and risks of all 401 districts and independent cities in Germany. It has been published every three years since 2004, making it the only Germany-wide ranking that makes regional developments visible over more than 10 years.

The Zukunftsatlas is currently only available in German. If you are interested in information in English, please contact us.

All atlases since 2004

Prognos Zukunftsatlas® 2022

| Project

Wie steht es um die Zukunftsfähigkeit aller 400 Kreise und kreisfreien Städte in Deutschland? Antworten hat der neue Prognos Zukunftsatlas®.

Prognos Zukunftsatlas® 2019

| Project

How well equipped are Germany's districts and cities for the future? Who is ahead in the ranking, who needs to catch up? The Prognos Zukunftsatlas 2019 provides answers (in German).

Prognos Zukunftsatlas® 2016

| Project

How are Germany's regions positioned for the future? The 2004 study in cooperation with Handelsblatt.

Prognos Zukunftsatlas® 2013

| Project

How are Germany's regions positioned for the future? The 2013 study in cooperation with Handelsblatt.

Prognos Zukunftsatlas® 2010

| Project

How are Germany's regions positioned for the future? The 2010 study in cooperation with Handelsblatt.

Prognos Zukunftsatlas® Industries 2009

| Project

“Prognos Zukunftsatlas® Industries 2009” focuses on the future fields that have potential for a strong increase in value creation over the next five to ten years.

Prognos Zukunftsatlas® 2007

| Project

How are Germany's regions positioned for the future? The 2007 study in cooperation with Handelsblatt.

Prognos Zukunftsatlas® 2004

| Project

How are Germany's regions positioned for the future? The 2004 study in cooperation with Handelsblatt.

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Antonia Wentrot

Specialist Corporate Communications

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About us

Prognos – Providing Orientation.

Prognos is one of the oldest economic research centres in Europe. Founded at the University of Basel, Prognos experts have been conducting research for a wide range of clients from the public and private sectors since 1959 – politically independent, scientifically sound.

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