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Annual Energy
Transition Monitoring


vbw – Bavarian Industry Association



What is the status of the German energy transition? Since 2012, Prognos has been monitoring the energy transition in Bavaria and Germany on behalf of the vbw – Bavarian Industry Association.

Monitoring set-up and evaluation

We examined four areas in more depth to assess the extent to which the energy transition has achieved its targets:

  • Security of supply (power outage, expansion of power grids, network operator intervention)
  • Affordability (industrial and household electricity prices)
  • Efficiency (power consumption, final energy productivity, primary energy consumption) and the share of renewable energy in gross electricity consumption
  • Environmental compatibility (greenhouse gas emissions; renovation rate, heating structure; alternative drives and charging points in transport)

We developed a traffic light system for the evaluation of selected indicators, to which the numbers 1 to 3 were additionally assigned for the formation of mean values. “Green” (= 1) means a positive rating, “Yellow” (= 2) means a critical rating and “Red” (= 3) means a negative rating.

The Bavarian Energy Program’s quantified targets and the Federal Government’s energy concept as well as targets defined in laws such as the EEG, serve as the basis for assessment. Where no information is available, we have defined a target path or appropriate reference values have been defined. For the purpose of the environmental compatibility assessment, greenhouse gas emissions were used.

Background: Germany’s Energy Policy

In autumn 2010, the German Federal Government defined quantitative targets for achieving a secure, economical and environmentally and climate-friendly energy supply in the long term. Increasing energy productivity and expanding renewable energies have since played a decisive role.

With the Bundestag’s adoption of the Climate Protection Act in December 2019, the Federal Government set itself the goal of long-term greenhouse gas neutrality by the year 2050. Until the year 2030, the reduction target of 55 percent compared to 1990, continues to apply.

Last update: 05.03.2024

Previous monitorings

12th Energy Transition Monitoring

| Project

The energy transition is still lagging behind its goals – such are the findings of our 12th Monitoring Report. In two of the four areas, the lights remain on red.

11th Energy Transition Monitoring

| Project

Our data shows: As the expansion of renewable energies has been particularly paralysed, a lot still needs to happen in the coming years if Germany is to achieve its energy and climate goals.

10. Monitoring der Energiewende

| Project

Wie haben sich Energieverbrauch und Emissionen in Bezug auf die Ziele der Energiewende entwickelt? Im Energiewendemonitoring bewertet Prognos im Auftrag der Vereinigung der Bayerischen Wirtschaft die Situation in 2020.

9. Monitoring der Energiewende

| Project

Zum neunten Mal in Folge bilanziert Prognos im Auftrag der vbw – Vereinigung der Bayerischen Wirtschaft e. V. den Verlauf der Energiewende in Deutschland und Bayern.

8th Monitoring of the Energy Transition

| Project

For the eighth time in a row, Prognos reports on the course of the energy transition in Germany and Bavaria until now, on behalf of the vbw - Vereinigung der Bayerischen Wirtschaft e. V.

7. Monitoring of the Energy System Transformation

| Project

For the seventh time in a row, Prognos reports on the course of the energy transition in Germany and Bavaria until now, on behalf of the vbw - Vereinigung der Bayerischen Wirtschaft e. V.

6. Monitoring der Energiewende

| Project

Zum sechsten Mal in Folge bilanziert Prognos im Auftrag der vbw – Vereinigung der Bayerischen Wirtschaft e. V. den Verlauf der Energiewende in Deutschland und Bayern.

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Your contact at Prognos

Dr Almut Kirchner

Partner, Director

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About us

Prognos – Providing Orientation.

Prognos is one of the oldest economic research centres in Europe. Founded at the University of Basel, Prognos experts have been conducting research for a wide range of clients from the public and private sectors since 1959 – politically independent, scientifically sound.

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