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Analysis of the supply and demand of skilled workers

Ecological transformation and dual education in Bremen


Bremen Chamber of Employees



The State of Bremen wants to significantly strengthen its climate protection. The inquiry commission set up by the citizens of Bremen is therefore working on a climate protection strategy. Many measures will need to be implemented on the ground for objectives to be achieved and this will also require well-trained specialist personnel. Will the employees trained in companies in the State of Bremen be sufficient to meet this demand? And which fields of action can help to alleviate possible bottlenecks? Prognos examined these questions on behalf of the Bremen Chamber of Workers as a permanent guest on the inquiry commission.

Bremen lacks junior specialists for the implementation of climate protection measures

The study authors identified 26 key occupations for the implementation of climate protection goals. These are all closely linked to the industrial, energy, buildings, and transport sectors. Professions associated with advancing digitalisation also play an important role in this.

“In almost all of these key occupations, a further intensification of the already existing skilled-worker shortage is to be expected,” emphasises Markus Hoch, the study project manager.

In order to implement the measures aimed at achieving climate goals, up to 8.5 percent more skilled workers and specialists will be required in these key professions.

However, in most cases, the future demand for skilled workers and specialists required cannot be met by the junior staff trained in companies in the State of Bremen. The result is a clear shortage of skilled workers in key occupations.

Potential fields of action to counteract skills shortages in key occupations

The authors of the study identify possible fields of action to address the potentially emerging skills shortages with the help of suitable measures:

  • increasing the willingness of companies to train
  • strengthening professional orientation
  • specifically addressing women
  • facilitating occupational mobility
  • enabling retraining
  • promoting energy and environmental skills

The study (Bremen Chamber of Employees website, in German)

Authors: Markus Hoch, Claudia Münch, Sven Kreidelmeyer, Philipp Kreuzer, Tamara Rech, Eva Willer

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Markus Hoch

Senior Project Manager

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Claudia Münch


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Prognos – Providing Orientation.

Prognos is one of the oldest economic research centres in Europe. Founded at the University of Basel, Prognos experts have been conducting research for a wide range of clients from the public and private sectors since 1959 – politically independent, scientifically sound.

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