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Ex-post analysis of Swiss energy consumption 2015


Federal Office of Energy, Switzerland



Swiss energy consumption in the last 15 years has been slightly reduced. Technological progress and policy intervention were central, as new analyses conducted by Prognos, TEP and Infras show.

While population and economic production have grown steadily, politics and technological development have been able to successfully counteract these consumption-driving factors. Energy consumption in Switzerland has thus fallen by 1 percent over the last 15 years. This was the result of the annual survey carried out by Prognos AG on behalf of the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE).

If volume effects such as population, production, or mileage alone had an effect on energy consumption, the last 15 years would have seen an increase of 128.5 petajoules. Political measures and technical improvements have, among other things, significantly improved the energy quality of building envelopes, plants, vehicles, and equipment, thus counteracting increasing consumption levels. Substituting oil heaters (with more efficient forms of heating) and switching from petrol to diesel engines in passenger cars, also had a dampening effect. Overall, energy consumption was reduced by 14 petajoules (-1 percent).

Space heating and mobility dominated total consumption in 2015. Process heat as well as drives and processes were also of greater importance. If electricity consumption is considered in isolation, the highest proportion of drive and process use (e. g., for cooling, washing, drying, commercial processes) was recorded.

Four sectoral energy consumption models were used in the calculations: private households and industry sectors were processed by Prognos, the services sector by TEP Energy GmbH, and the transport sector by Infras AG. The consortium has been calculating these figures on an annual basis on behalf of the Swiss Federal Office of Energy, since 2000.

Ex-post analysis of Swiss energy consumption 2000 – 2015 by determinants (PDF, in German)

Analysis of Swiss energy consumption 2000 – 2015 by use (PDF. in German)

Project team: Andreas Kemmler, Sven Kreidelmeyer, Alexander Piégsa (Prognos), Philipp Wüthrich (Infras AG), Mario Keller (MK Consulting), Martin Jakob, Giacomo Catenazzi (TEP)

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Dr Andreas Kemmler

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